Wednesday, February 5, 2014

DIY--Stenciling a Clay Pot

I love to have fresh herbs year round. In the Spring and Summer months I have outdoor clay pots on the patio where I can just clip a few when a recipe calls for them. It doesn't have to be any different in the Winter months. 

I decided that during these cold months there was no reason why I could not have fresh herbs  growing also. Since the pots are required to be indoors, I made them a little more presentable than just a plain old clay pot. I purchased some stencils, paint and new pots, a bit smaller than I use outdoors. They don't take up much room on my counter and they look great by my veggie basket adding a nice touch of green to the area.

I chose a random design that I thought had a little Mexican flair to it because I am using this particular pot for Cilantro. This is such an easy and inexpensive project and makes snipping the herbs so convenient.

Why not get a some "Winter" herbs planted in your kitchen......there is nothing like cutting "fresh" herbs to use in your favorite recipes.
  Happy planting!



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